Friday, July 19, 2013

Ancient Filipino Tales: Legends: An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical.

Coconut Tre

       “The Legend of the Coconut Tree”


        A long time ago, in the kingdom of Bangonansa Polangui (Kingdom by the River), used to have a kind Ruler, but the kingdom was better know for her beautiful daughter Putri Timbang-Namat.From all over the seven seas admirers came to see Putri, but she wanted no one. When the Ruler saw all the pretenders, but not interest from her daughter, he told her:
"I want a baby boy to take my place when I die, I would love to carry him and see him before I'm gone".

       And so, he decided to create a contest to decided who would marry Putri.
But what the Ruler didn't know, it's that Putri met a young gardener in the Palace garden with the name of Wata-Mama. One day Wata told his past to Putri, that he was a royal descent, but that his father was killed by his uncle and he was vanished out of his kingdom when he was three. Putri answered: "We love each other, that's all matters".

       One of Putri's pretenders saw her with wata and got jealous, so one night he hid on a dark corner and waited for the lovers, when he saw them walking near him, he struck Wata's head, cutting it off. Putri, fearless, picked up his lover's head.
From all over the seven seas admirers came to see Putri, but she wanted no one. When the Ruler saw all the pretenders, but not interest from her daughter, he told her:
"I want a baby boy to take my place when I die, I would love to carry him and see him before I'm gone".

      And so, he decided to create a contest to decided who would marry Putri.
But what the Ruler didn't know, it's that Putri met a young gardener in the Palace garden with the name of Wata-Mama. One day Wata told his past to Putri, that he was a royal descent, but that his father was killed by his uncle and he was vanished out of his kingdom when he was three. Putri answered: "We love each other, that's all matters".

      One of Putri's pretenders saw her with wata and got jealous, so one night he hid on a dark corner and waited for the lovers, when he saw them walking near him, he struck Wata's head, cutting it off. Putri, fearless, picked up his lover's head.

      Putri buried Wata's head and aftewr a few days she noticed a tiny plant growing on the spot the head was buried, and suddenly grew into a big tree, reaching Putri's window, also it produced a fruit of the size of a man's head.


     The characters of this story are The King Ruler, Putri the daughter of the king and Wata- Mama the one who fell in love with Putri.

       In this story the lesson we can get is that do not make or do any decisions without confronting what is true about the issue .Make sure that you know what the real story behind the issue ,so that you can't hurt anyone or can do a hilarious doings, because many died in the wrong interpretation on what they have seen,they are already putting theeir own judgements without even thingking if it's true or not.Nevertheless we should bide this phrases indeed" Do not Judge the Book by it's Cover! MAKE SENSE! creatures:D 

Setting: kingdom of Bangonansa Polangui (Kingdom by the River)

Tradition:Asking the hand of a girl for marriage.